I created a simple blogging application keeping in mind to answer some questions, people are generally curious about, at a single place with easy navigation using a Welcome page, a Home page (with an overview of all the categories and post), a Category Page, and the main Answer page with a materialistic UI.
Welcome Page:
Home page:
with automatic (or manual) scrolling of categories on the top
Want to test?
2. Create a new folder in the same directory of your virtual environment and extract all the files in that folder.
3. Activate your virtual environment
4. Change the working directory to the folder which contains manage.py.
5. To install all the packages (and dependencies) required for this project, run the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
6. Now you need create new migrations, for this simply run:
python manage.py makemigrations
7. To apply these changes, yo need to run:
python manage.py migrate
8. And Lastly to run the server and test the app, run:
python manage.py runserver
You're now testing the app I created.
(the admin functionality may not be available to you, so you cannot add or delete questions)
If you're facing any issues, or have any suggestions let me know in the comments down below and if you're interested you can pay a visit to my GitHub repo.
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